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How did all this madness start?

In 1931 the UWA Student Guild decided to replace some defunct Graduation Day events with a procession, stunts and skit show. To commemorate the event the Guild asked some students to edit a satirical newspaper which they threw together at the last minute and called Sruss Sruss. Unfortunately not everyone has an ‘Undergraduate’ sense of humour and the Sunday Times labelled the paper “filth and trash” a few weeks later. Those involved were required to donate to a Children’s Hospital and from then on PROSH had a moral justification for all its craziness. While no one is quite sure where the name ‘Sruss Sruss’ comes from, the name 'Prosh' derives its name from 'procession'. While PROSH is no longer allowed to have a street parade through the Perth city streets, the spirit of PROSH lives on as a walking parade starting in Forest Place and running through William, Hay, Barrack and Murray streets.


Copyright 2013 UWA Student Guild.

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